須崎へご当地キャラまつりのイベントへ参加のため朝早くから準備していましたが、諸事情により会場に着いたのは午後3時。 会場ではすでに閉会の挨拶がアナウンスされてましたΣ(゚д゚lll)ガーン それでも子供はふなっしーに会えて喜んでいたから、まあヨシとするか(苦笑)
This is the title of your first post
To create your first blog post, click here to open the Blog Manager. Edit your Published Post entitled 'This is the title of your first...
This is the title of your second post
To create your second blog post, click here to open the Blog Manager. Edit your Published Post entitled 'This is the title of your...
This is the title of your third post
To create your third blog post, click here to open the Blog Manager. Edit your Published Post entitled 'This is the title of your third...